KTM450SX Subframe Lower

Lowered this KTM450SX subframe a few mm for a customer. Got the correct ride height now.

This is just a quick clip showing part of the process of lowering your KTM subframe a few mm. Can be done to any of the big bikes. If you don’t have the resources to do it, hit me up and I’ll dial you in. 1. Measure your old hole location. The bolt is about 8mm so you add half of that to this number for your measurement on center. 2. Blend the material back for a fresh start. 3. Add the extra mm to your original number (don’t forget half the bolt size) use a center punch mark your new center hole location. 4. Drill to size, then chamfer the opening of the bolt hole to match the taper on the head of the bolt using a counter sink bit. 5. You may have to remove some material off the end of the subframe to be able to get the new hole to locate on the chassis. *One thing to note is don’t get to get crazy with it or you will have problems with your silencer mounting back up. A little fudging to make it work is ok. Bolt it up and pin it! ✊ #KTM #KTM250 #KTM450 #KTM300 #KTM350 #KTM200 #armyoforange #KTMUSA #tig #welding #fabrication #mx #moto #motocross ✊✊✊

A video posted by Clayton Miller (@mxpimp47) on

Bridgeport Mill Lever Repair

When I purchased my Bridgeport mill, the lever was broke off during transit. Pulled it off, cleaned it up, welded back together and its dialed.

KX125 Pipe Repair

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Radiator Tube Repair

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YZ85 Pipe Repair

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KX250 Pipe Dent Repair

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Build up on a part to machine for display

A buddy of mine Jeff Gerrans from 3J Precision needed this display part welded up to join two halves and then he machined it back down. It was to be painted and used with one of the big oil companies around here. Would of liked to see the finished part.

KTM Subframe Repair

On some of the models of the KTM dirt bikes they don’t weld on the fender mount support very well. Its so lightly tac’d it falls off. So I beefed it up a bit.