Me and my wife Cortni are bow hunting together for the first time! It’s really cool to share this time together sitting quietly just watching nature do its thing! Maybe we’ll get to see something worthy of shooting!
Tag: Hunting
Dog The Bounty Hunter hog hunting!
Hog hunting at nite!
Biggest Hog yet with my bow!
This is prolly the biggest hog yet with my bow! I spot and stalked this big sucker from way off and got on him about 20 yards! Clean pass through with the arrow, he went 45 yards and was smoked! He weighs around 300 lbs. And his teeth are bout 3.5 to 4″ long! I took em to the taxidermy to get a shoulder mount!
Yote down!
2 Hogs with a bow, 3 with an AR15
I went out with my bow and walked and stalked up on a huge pack of hogs in the evening and shot 2 hogs with my bow and then 3 with my AR15! It was one hell of an adrenaline rush! All that is in the pic is the 2 I shot with my bow and 1 with my AR15. That really helped in the Management of the population.