This video is from 2006 Outdoor nationals with Vernon Mckiddie, Brett Williams, Cody Drewek, Charles Marchant, Tim Engel. We were on the road racing the outdoor nationals all over the states. This footage is from Ogio up in Utah at Andy Bells house. We rode the indoor ramps, and foam pit. Pulled a backflip for the first time into the foam pit on an XR100. Then we traveled to Illinois to our good ol buddy Marc Czernik’s house and rode some bmx trails we came across. It was a good time that summer on the road!
This week was donuts with dad day at Caydens school! So we rolled deep and ate some donuts and hung out in the cafeteria. They were taking pics, but I didn’t have any cash so me and Cayden took our own! Haha it was cool! Love you dude!
So its the day of the launch of the iPhone 4S. Apple’s website is down for a while, upon being active on the web their site is cluttered with poorly edited images for their beautiful slider they use! 95% of the iPhone images they have are boxed in with an ugly white border instead of a clean transparent blend between background and current slide. If you guys are slacking with legit dudes over there, hit me up, I’m available.
One helluva cool grand father of mine past away this morning Quay Bernard Miller went by QB and Buck. It’s a blessing that the lord took him before alzheimers took over completely. His last couple days he knew who his children were! He was loved by many and his wife Grand mother Teresa is still with us! My boy baby Cooper is prolly sitting in his lap looking upon us! We all love you grand pop rest in peace!
Yoholla is a new Social Network that is Ad Free, Private, and Secure! Right now is your chance to sign up for a month free membership to check it out! YoHolla is a $5 monthly membership social network. And everyone that signs up has a reward program and everyone you get signed up under you, you get a dollar! So check it out and signup under to also be eligible to win some prizes! But you must sign up under the refferal ID of YoHollaMx!
Cayleigh got to eat some Ice Cream for learning to use the potty! She was so proud of her self! So we kept up to our end of the deal and got her some Ice Cream. Thats all she could talk about at dinner, she wanted her Ice Cream! Yaaaaaaay were so proud of you Cayleigh girl! Her face is to die for eating those big ol bites of Ice Cream! No diapers all day long!!!!
I was up at Freestone for the weekend doing a lil digging on our trails, and cooking some good grub! It was a good time other than the cold weather. Trails are coming along, soon we’ll be able to rip it up! While doing a little digging, I was working on some bunny hop bar spins and busted my ass. Hunter was laughing so hard at me, and I started laughing at him on how funny he looked with his moo-stach! Good times, and good eating! I cooked up some duck with one hell of a simple recipe, and the wife’s marinade for a couple of days! Good times!
Check Hunter posing like a Jabroni in the tower next to Cortni – WTF hahahahahah!
Check out Cortni shooting the AR15 doing a little target practice! She wasnt to bad for her first time shooting it, pretty good group too! Love my wife so much, she’s awesome!